-- Treść oryginalnej wiadomości
-- Temat: Confiscation of land - 1830s Data: Wed, 1 Jan 2014
00:46:35 +0000 Nadawca: Mark Obuchowski
<mark_obo@hotmail.com> Adresat: Narodowa
Hi Tad
I have
recieved several documents regarding my Ancestor (Kazimierz
OBUCHOWSKI) from the Russian Archives. This document refers to
confiscation of his lands as a result of his participation in the
polish uprising. Hoping that someone can assist in translating the
critical parts of the document that relate to property/estate names
and names of relatives.
Thanks for any assistance you may
(Please click on the photo to
-- Treść
oryginalnej wiadomości -- Temat: Translation of handwritten
documents. Data: Sat, 20 Apr 2013 19:30:14 +0000 Nadawca:
Bradley Hamilton Adresat: narodowa@narodowa.pl
My name is Linda Hamilton. My
family (Wulff) (Wojciechowski) are from Poland. I have several
handwritten documents in old German I was hoping someone might be
able to translate for me. I believe they have something to do with
land. The last document I believe is a medical record regarding my
GGGrandfather. Any assistance you could provide would be very much
Regards, Linda Wizikowski Hamilton
from Windows Mail

(Please click on the photo to
-- Treść
oryginalnej wiadomości -- Temat: Translation help? Data: Mon,
3 Dec 2012 20:59:32 -0500 Nadawca: Jean Masman Adresat:
Tadeusz Wysocki DHO <narodowa@narodowa.pl>
Hello! I found these in with grandmas
letters also. Seems she paid for some mass intentions, but I cannot
make out for who. Can you help? Thank you!
Masman 716-200-6967

(Please click on the photo to
-- Treść
oryginalnej wiadomości -- Temat: Grandmas letters, Data: Mon,
3 Dec 2012 20:48:32 -0500 Nadawca: Jean Masman Adresat:
narodowa@narodowa.pl <narodowa@narodowa.pl>
Hello again! My aunt just gave me a box
of letters grandma received from poland. Most are Christmas cards
and Easter cards but one was a letter. I have attached the photo
that was in it. I am trying to translate, but between the
handwriting and my translating skills I am having problems with this
one. Can you help me again? Thank you!

(Please click on the photo to
Masman 716-200-6967
On Nov 20, 2012, at 7:45 AM, Tadeusz
Wysocki DHO <narodowa@narodowa.pl> wrote:
James Kulik?
You must ask our genforum friend Norbert, maybe he will check
Amercian databases, and find the place of birth in
Poland/Austria? Tad
W dniu 2012-11-20
13:12, Jean Masman pisze: Thank you! I really appreciate this! I
have been educating my dad and aunts and uncle on their family. They
have gained an uncle they did not know they had so far. Although I
cannot find any info on him...James Kulik?
Masman 716-200-6967
On Nov 20, 2012, at 7:09 AM, Tadeusz
Wysocki DHO <narodowa@narodowa.pl> wrote:
Received! Will load to Help Room, and inform on
Happy Day!
W dniu
2012-11-20 12:56, Jean Masman pisze: Here is the certificate for
my great grandmother as you requested. Thank you for your
-- Treść
oryginalnej wiadomości -- Temat: Kuilk, szczepina, mucha Data:
Tue, 20 Nov 2012 06:56:35 -0500 Nadawca: Jean Masman Adresat:
narodowa@narodowa.pl <narodowa@narodowa.pl>
Here is the certificate for my great
grandmother as you requested. Thank you for your help.

(Please click on the photo to
---- Original
Message ----- From: Charmaine Boswell To:
narodowa@narodowa.pl Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 8:03
AM Subject: Catharina Wloch
The responses I received
regarding Maria Zuchowicz's baptism record were very helpful. I
thought I might ask for assistance with another name. On the baptism
record in 1904, it shows Catharina Wloch's mother's name as
Petronillae Wloch. However, a different last name is indicated on
Catharina's (Katarzyna) ship manifest. In the column for name and
complete address of nearest relative in the country the immigrant is
coming from, it looks like Petronela "Czombuc" or "Czomba" to me.
Katarzyna is on Line 3.
Any input would be
Thank you, Charmaine

(Please click on the photo to
----- Original
Message ----- From: Charmaine Boswell To:
narodowa@narodowa.pl Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 4:23
PM Subject: Maria Zuchowicz bapt record - to Narodowa.pl HELP
As you
so graciously requested, I am attaching a picture of the document
for Maria Zuchowicz's baptism. This is a picture of the document, so
if you need me to scan the document instead, please let me
While I need help with most names listed in Maria's
record, it is the names for the mother and her mother that have been
so confusing and I am wondering whether the "Co" transcribed as
"Cotoch" by LDS is actually "Co" or a "W."
I appreciate your
offer and your assistance. Thank you very much!

(Please click on the photo to
----- Original
Message ----- From: Norbert Stevens To: narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2012 10:41 PM Subject: Help with
Polish to English Translation of Marriage Certificate for Feliks
Bednarski and Wladyslawa Grzeszczyuk
Hi Tad,
Patti Alcron has asked us to
assist her in translating from Polish to English, the attached
marriage certificate for her ancestors Feliks Bednarski and
Wladyslawa Grzeszczuk.
Thanks for your help.

(Please click on the photo to
----- Original
Message ----- From: "Doug Works" To: narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 4:20 AM Subject: Scan to
upload to Helping Room
Attached is a scan of my
grandfather's baptismal certificate. Please upload to your Helping
Room. Can you provide a link so that I can see what this Helping
Room is all about?
I have cc'ed my cousin who is also
interested in tracking down more information about our family.

(Please click on the photo to
----- Original
Message ----- From: tamara picard To:
Narodowa@Narodowa.pl Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 1:04
AM Subject: Re: Fran Orkwiszewski
Hi Tad,
Hope this email finds you well!
I wanted to let you know that I *think* I found Frank *again*! lol
:) Here are 2 records and hopefully one is his birth record and I
*think* I found his parents marriage record! crossing fingers I
found them!
Thank you again for all your
(Please click on the photo to
----- Original
Message ----- From: Radzichowsky, Ian To:
narodowa@narodowa.pl Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2011 11:12
PM Subject: Researching My Grandfathers Lineage
I have attached a copy of my
Grandfathers Birth Certificate in hopes that someone may be able to
translate for me and help research my family roots in Eastern
Ian Radzichowsky, Canada

(Please click on the photo to
----- Original
Message ----- From: tamara picard To: Narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2011 12:02 AM Subject: Re: Fran
Gilberto helped translate the document but I was
wondering if you all could try to see what Frank wrote as his
mother's maiden name on his SS form..It looked like Catherin but her
maiden name wouldn't have been Orkwis. I told him I would forward it
to you so you can post it in the help forum.
Thanks a
bunch! Tammy

(Please click on the photo to
----- Original
Message ----- From: tamara picard To: narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 9:59 PM Subject: Fran
Orkwiszewski > www.Narodowa.pl Help Room
Hi Tad,
It's me, Tammy from genforum
poland. Back a few months ago you helped me learn a lot about my
ancestor Frank Orkwis. I finally was able to receive the LDS micro
film to find his birth. He was born Feb 1892. I believe since it was
1892 that it was in Russian and I'm not even sure if this is him
just that I do see "Fran Orkwiszewski" written in this record. I
wasn't able to go through the whole film but thought you might be
able to help me or point me in the right direction. It's really hard
to read so i'm not sure how much you can see of it. but thanks for
trying! :) i appreciate all the help you have provided to me so
Thanks again! Tammy

(Please click on the photo to
----- Original
Message -----
To: Tad Wysocki.
Narodowa.pl Help Room
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 2:21
Subject: Manifests of my Family
Kauffmans' travel fr England to US - LOOKING FOR FAMILY ORIGIN PLACE
As you so kindly offered....
Encl I -
Here is page 1 & page 2 for my great uncles, Morris/Maurice and
Jacob, the sons of Palteal/Paltiel/Peter
Kauffman/Kayufman. Maurice being the older of the 2 answered for
both. They are passengers # 4 &
Encl. II
- Here are both pages for my Great
Grandfather, Palteal/Paltiel/Peter Kauffman/Kayufman. He
appears on line #9. (his name has been spelled many
different ways that's why I gave those
Encl. III -
This is the last of the manifests, for my Great Grandmother,
Anna/Annie/Channa Kauffman who travelled with the rest of her
children AND her brother in law, my Great Grand Father
Palter's brother, Simon/Shimon Kauffman. A.
Kauffman - LINE 5 Kauffman Children on
Lines 6-11 S. Kauffman - Line
They both also
mention the names of THEIR FATHERS and place
Family place names deciphered by Trudi
& Tad:
Family Kauffman immigrated from "Lemarsk,
Shevlice, Russia", "Lemass, Shedlitz, Russia", "Olishow", "Shevlitz
Goburnia, Russia", "Olishoff, Russia" Their Father Leib Lew from
"Oliszow?, Olishow?, Olishoff?" Sedelice (Siedlce?) Gobernia
Their Father Srul Kaufman from "Lomaz?, Lamaz?,
Lemass?, Lemarsk? Lamiark?" Shevlice? (Sieldce)
LPR (Last Place of Residence) - "Kros"?,
Dear Tad -
here is some other information for great grandparents
- they divorced after they got to New York and both
married again. Great Grandfather
- Palteal/Paltiel/Peter Kauffman When he married again he
gave his father's name as Schol Kauffman and his mother's
name as Mary Tennenbaum. His date of birth was given as
May 6th, 1873. Great Grandmother - Anna/Annie or Chana
Kauffman I have heard that my Great Grandmother's
family surname was Lev (Lew) or Lyons - no doubt the American
version. When she married again in 1933 in New York
she said her date of birth was given as May 10, 1875
. She also provided on her New York marriage certificate
that her mother's name was Bessie Fleishman and her
father's name was Louis Lyons.....could this be Leib Lew......Louis
Lev aka Louis Lyons?
(Please click on the photo to
(Please click on the photo to
(Please click on the photo to
----- Original Message ----- From: The
Linenman To: narodowa@narodowa.pl Sent: Monday, May 30, 2011
11:43 PM Subject: Re: Jastrzembski, Jastrzebski - maybe also as
Attached is a scan of my
GGrandfathers (Franciszek Jastrzebski) petition for naturalization.
Hopefully we can determine where the city of Brasgno is in relation
to Krzewo. Any help you can shed on his birthplace will be greatly
Researching: Szczepinski, Jastrzebski, Trybula,

(Please click on the photo to
----- Original
Message ----- From: Norbert Stevens To: 'Narodowa Polish Help
Site' Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2011 7:36 AM Subject: Hamburg
Passage Records for Franz Nowak and Caroline Gwiazda
Tad, Would you please post these
images on the Galeria Narodowa site
http://www.help.narodowa.pl/ These are images of the Hamburg
Departure Lists for Franz Nowak and Caroline Gwiazda. I took the
liberty of highlighting in yellow and producing enlarged copies of
each. I believe the record for Caroline Gwiazda indicates that
her last residence was Dembiohammer Schliesien. I believe the
record for Franz Nowak indicates that his last residence was Skietz
West Prussia. Dembiohammer is now known as Debska Kuznia and
Skietz is now known as Skic. I would appreciate the opinion of
some of the other Forum participants.
Thanks Norbert
(Please click on the photo to
----- Original
Message ----- From: diane barrett To: narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 5:57 PM Subject: Eksponat do
is the registration document Many thanks Diane

(Please click on the photo to
----- Original
Message ----- From: diane barrett To: narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2011 7:12 PM Subject: Eksponat do
These are the photo's
of the Gawryluk family Teodore Gawryluk and the others are of
his family I am trying to trace the family tree Teodore
Gawryluk was in the Free Polish Army fought in Monte Cassino and
with the 8th army After ww11 he settled in England but we don't
know what happened to the rest of his family back in Poland Minsk
Mazoweicki is mentioned on the back of one of the photos we don't
know if he was born there or lived there Many thanks for any
help Diane
(Please click on the photo to
----- Original
Message ----- From: Mark Obuchowski To: Narodowa Sent:
Saturday, October 23, 2010 12:04 PM Subject: Translation required
researcher found a 70 page document in the Lithuania Archives
written by my great great uncle (Kazimerz Obuchowski born 1806)
about his life. He participated in the 1831 uprising, escaped from
Poland and went to France where he lived for over 30 years. He
returned to Poland in ~ 1874 (to Swislocz, Grodno....where is
brother Joseph lived) and wrote about his life. The document is
written in French and Russian. I have only 3 pages of the document
thus far and most of it is written in French. Im hoping there is
someone who can give me a summary translation of the key points
Much appreciated for any assistance. Cheers
(Please click on the photo to
----- Original
Message ----- From: "M.Szatyński" To:
<narodowa@narodowa.pl> Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2010
8:33 PM Subject: Proszę o przetłumaczenie - please help in
Proszę i
przetlumaczenia z gory Dziekuje moj meil
Kindly please
help in translation, Thanks in advance

(Please click on the photo to
----- Original
Message ----- From: <mariannazabaglo> To:
<narodowa@narodowa.pl> Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2010 9:28
PM Subject: c/o our polish friend Tadeusz >
hoping some one can help. I’m trying to find out who lived at Bracka
13, Krakow, Poland, in 1907. My grandfather gave this address as
his nearest relative. He said it was his cousin. It looks like
first name could be Kasimierz, last name is not
I am looking
for information on my grandfather:
Name: Stanislaw A.
Zabaglo Date of birth (approximately): 18 June, 1890 or 18 June
1889 Place of birth: Krakow Place of baptism: PARISH OF ST.
you, Marianna Zabaglo, USA

(Please click on the photo to
----- Original
Message ----- From: Elaine To: narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 9:19 PM Subject: short
I am hoping to
find someone who can translate what I think is my grandmother's
passport. Her name was Karolina Nieduzak. I have attached the cover,
the inside cover page, and the page with information .
would be very grateful for any help with
(Please click on the photo to
----- Original
Message ----- From: Kasuk923 To: narodowa.pl Sent: Monday,
February 01, 2010 2:49 AM Subject: Dell needs your expert
A few days ago I posted
a query on Genforum looking for information on Konstanty Wawer who
was killed at Katyn Woods.
Claude Wawer, the grandson on
Konstanty Wawer is trying to learn about his Polish heritage.
Claude's father was Jan Witold Wawer, who served with the
Polish Army during WWII. He was captured by the Russians and then
served with the British Army. He married in 1946.
In his
father's papers, Claude Wawer found what appears to be the birth
certificate of Jan Witold Wawer, b. 1916. He also believes another
paper is of his father's marriage in 1946.
Do these documents
have information that will help Claude know where to write for other
records to learn about his heritage.
I was going to send
these records direct to Genforum, but don't know how to send an
attachment to the web site.
Claude Wawer also sent me a
photograph of his father, Jan Wawer in a Polish unifrom which I will
send in another e-mail.
I apologize for sending this to you
Thank you.....
Dell Kasuk Lockport
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From:
claude47 To: kasuk923 Sent: 1/31/2010 3:53:48 P.M. Central
Standard Time Subj: Re: birth certificate
On Jan 31, 2010, at 3:41 PM, Claude Waver
> Hello Dell. > I found a couple of things
that may help, a marriage certificate, > birth certificate
and a hand written note by my father. > Maybe these can help
with a church , or address. > Claude
(Please click on the photo to
----- Original
Message ----- From: Kasuk923 To: Narodowa.pl Sent:
Monday, February 01, 2010 2:52 AM Subject: Fwd: Picture of Jan
Witold Wawer This is the photograph of Jan Witold
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From:
claude47 To: Kasuk923 Sent: 1/31/2010 3:50:35 P.M. Central
Standard Time Subj: Picture
Hello again Dell, I'm sending you a
photo I found of my father in a uniform. This was prior to his
capture by the russians. Maybe you can identify the
uniform. Claude

(Please click on the photo to
----- Original
Message ----- From: J Moon To: narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 1:59 PM Subject: Victors'
baptismal record attached
attachements. Victor's baptismal, Maria's baptismal, and

(Please click on the photo to
----- Original
Message ----- From: alysia hilton To: narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2009 4:21 PM Subject: Fw:
Gruczno - record > PolGenForum Narodowa.pl Help Room
This is what I
recieved. Maybe this will give clues as to where Martin lived. The
record for Francis is near the bottom. THANK YOU!

(Please click on the photo to
----- Original
Message ----- From: Alfred kielbasa To: Tadeusz Wysocki
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 2:37 AM Subject: Help from
the genealogy forum
very nice lady with the e mail address of baba sunder asked me if I
could help her gather information from the attached passport (?)
document which I only scanned the first two pages about her
grandfather, soI am asking for help with whatever the group can find
to learn about this information. If more is needed, I can scan more
pages as it is very old and the family does not have a real clue
about their dziadu.
Dziekuje for any help.
Stanislaus Kielbasa with family ties to Ptaszkowa and

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----- Original
Message ----- From: Mark Obuchowski To: narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 6:03 AM Subject: 1805
Death Record
Attached is a death certificate for
Antoni Obuchowski.
First column- i can read Antoni
Obuchowski but not sure about the rest. I can't make out the word
before Antoni. What does MWIL 43 mean. I assume 43 years old
??...but not sure Second column - first word is 'Burniewo' which
is the village where he died. But i cant read the words following
this other then 'died May 24' Third column - i can read this so
no problems here.
Much appreciated for any
Mark Obuchowski

(Please click on the photo to
----- Original
Message ----- From: Kyle Moore To: narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 3:20 PM Subject: Polish Letter
to translate
> Poland Genealogy Forum Help Room

(Please click on the photo to
---- Original
Message ----- From: Nobert Stevens To: narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 9:33 PM Subject: Katarzyna
Krystynska May 1904 Baltimore passage
This manifest for Katarzyna
Krystynska (line 14) shows her last residence as “Wilna”?? Austria.
Other records for Krystynski immigrants, show a last
residence concentration in the village of De~bna (currently in the
province of Podkarpackie, in the powiat of Sanocki, in the gmina of
A number of these Krystynski immigrants were headed
for Wampum, Lawrence County, PA, (including Katarzyna).
are asking for help in determining if in fact Katarzyna’s last
residence is “Wilna” or if you and the Forum read it as something
Thanks for your help and take care my

(Please click on the photo to
----- Original
Message ----- From: Maine Kramarski's To:
<narodowa@narodowa.pl> Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2009
11:13 PM Subject: Emailing: Kramarski marriage cert, Stephan and
Anna marriage cert
message is ready to be sent with the following file or link
attachments: Kramarski marriage cert Stephan and Anna
marriage cert
(Please click on the photo to
----- Original
Message ----- From: Diane Bicjan To: narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2009 9:23 PM Subject: Assistance
with interpretation of 1886 baptismal certificate from
made a request out on the Genealogy.com Polish Gen Forum for some
assistance with translating a baptismal document of my
grandfather's. He was born in 1886 in Iskrzynia and the certificate
says it was from Kroscienko. I do not know Polish and am also having
some difficulty trying to interpret the handwriting (I believe if I
knew Polish it would be easier for me to interpret some of the
Gilberto Magroski sent a response to my request
saying that if I provided the scans of the document you might be
able to post it to the forum and assist me with getting an
The document is longer than my scanner so I
had to scan it twice to get the entire document. I greatly
appreciate any assistance you can provide.
Diane Winters
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----- Original
Message ----- From: Michael Massey To: narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 6:06 PM Subject: Translation
I was
wondering if you could help me translate a polish document I have. I
think it is a school report card. Also, if anyone knows where the
town is, if the school still exists, and how I get birth
certificates for that area, it would be greatly
Thanks, Mike
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----- Original
Message ----- From: Nobert Stevens To: narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 4:01 AM Subject: Jacob
Chojnacki & Magdalena Panka Wedding Records
Attached is a marriage record for
Jacob Chojnacki and Magdalena Panka. I am attaching two (2)
versions: one appears to be a church record and the other a civil
record. The marriage took place sometime in 1848 in the village of
Pol~ajewek, Piotrkow Kujawski, Kujawsko-pomorskie, Poland.
would be grateful for a translation of the record, and particularly
for the names of the bride and grooms
Thanks, Norbert
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----- Original
Message ----- From: "Tom Pajak" To:
<narodowa@narodowa.pl> Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008
4:38 AM Subject: Translation request
Dear Forum,
I have need of a translation
and it was suggested that I send the documen to you for
assistance. It is the marriage announcement for my parents. They
were born in the USA, but the announcement was written in
Polish. I just recently discovered the document. I know that I
can translate the words using my limited capabilities and a good
dictionary, but that is to clinical. I would like to know rather
what it really says from someone who speaks and writes
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Tom Pajak

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----- Original
Message ----- From: Melissa Howard To: narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 4:51 PM Subject: Chiemlink
is the certificate of arrival for Chaskel Blank. I have a copy of
the naturalization papers that I will bring and scan early next
week. Melissa Howard

(Please click on the photo to
----- Original Message ----- From: Kim Loefke
To: narodowa@narodowa.pl Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008
12:51 AM Subject: Loefke research letter from Gdansk
Hi Tad, How are you? It's been a long
time since I've written but I was able to go back another generation
on my Loefke/Lowke line with the help of the Gdansk archives. They
sent me 2 documents last month which was wonderful since they were
in German but I can not read the letter that they sent. I'm hoping
that it will tell me where (what village or town) it came from and
what kind of document it is. I think that it is a census document of
some type but do not know. I was hoping you could forward the Gdansk
letter to your help section so that I can get it translated.
Part of it, I think they want me to write to the Evangelische
Zentralarchiv in Berlin.
Thank you for your help and I hope
this finds you well and warm this Christmas season in
Regards, Kim Loefke San Diego

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----- Original
Message ----- From: alysia hilton To: narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 3:40 AM Subject: Polish
Thank you so much for your help. I have
acquired this information earlier in the year, and am looking for
the cities and boat manifests that show these families coming over.
I am attaching/sending three documents for you to look
The first is Francis Wojciechowski's marriage record from
St. Stan. to Thomas Zakrzewski. She is the daughter of Martin
(Marcin) and Kathryn Pukulska. I am trying to understand where they
came from. I don't know Poland or Polish and it Wier.........that is
the place I think that Martin's family came from. I have located
Kathryn here with her daughter in the census, but I want to know
what ship they came on, and what part of Poznan this is. Martin and
Kathryn had another daughter, Joanna, and two sons that were
significantly older, Casmir and Joseph John.
The second is a
copy of Frank W. son of Maria (Jankowska) and Michael. I don't
understand the name of the city where he is from. Is this Poznan? He
is marrying Angela Sowinska. I wish to find out the city in Poland,
and the ship he came on. He is listed as coming in/around
The third is Francis Wojciechowski's marriage to Frank
Lewandowski. She is the daughter of John and Kathryn(Nowicki). She
is the sister of William and John Jr. I wish to find out the name of
the town in Poland that this family came from and when they came.
They are listed as coming also in 1883.
Any help would be so
appreciated. Thanks so much!!! alysia
--- On Tue, 12/9/08, Norbert Stevens
<nfstevens@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
From: Norbert Stevens
<nfstevens@sbcglobal.net> Subject: RE: John Wojciechowski
Family 1900 U.S. Census To: alysiahilton@yahoo.com Date:
Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 2:44 PM
Here are images of the documents
I discussed in my posting. Let me know if you get this
(Please click on the photo to
----- Original
Message ----- From: Nobert Stevens To: narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 10:01 PM Subject:
Bronislawa Bogdanski Three (3) passages to the U.S.
Attached are the images
of the ship’s manifest for Bronislawa Bogdanski. This and two (2)
other passages for Bronislawa were discussed in the Poland Genealogy
Forum messages 45922. You wanted to see how they spelled Bronislawa
mother’s surname on the ship manifest. I will email one passage at a
time. Take care my friend,
(Please click on the photo to
----- Original
Message ----- From: Nobert Stevens To: narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2008 9:52 PM Subject: Images of
02-18-1930 S.S. Majestic Ship Manifest for Ksenja Ryszkowska (aka
Xenia Rizkovsky)
Attached are the images of the ship’s
manifest for Ksenja Ryszkowska (aka Xenia Rizkovsky). This passage
was discussed in the Poland Genealogy Forum messages 45705 and
Nice work in locating the family’s ancestral village
in Belarus.
(Please click on the photo to